Church Services

SUNDAY SERVICE: Worship begins at 10:30 a.m.


Want to learn more about God?

North 27 Worship Center Bible Studies (each Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm).The interaction and fellowship occurring during these studies have provided much encouragement and knowledge to those seeking a closer walk with God.


“There are three great tests which may be applied to the Bible to ascertain its quality. They can, in fact, be applied to any book or institution. They are acid in their character.

First. The Historical Test. Is this book true to history ? It comes from the long past. It names mighty kingdoms that have perished and once populous cities whose very sites are dust heaps to-day. There have been voices raised informing us that our Scriptures were not true to the record of the ancient times. But since the pickaxe and the spade have been so busy in unearthing the buried empires of the olden times these voices have ceased their crying and the facts, as set forth in the Bible, have been remarkably verified. We can now go to the monuments of the ancient nations and check up this marvellous Scriptural story.

Second. The Life Test. Are the truths the Bible sets forth such as impart life or are they outworn? Is there life still flowing forth from its pages? The test is an easy one to make. It is made every day amongst all sorts and conditions of men and amongst all nations. The missionary takes “The Book” everywhere with him and we find men responding to its appeals and receiving its truths, and these truths making themselves manifest in new lives in the better, in the worse, parts of our cities, and in China, Africa, India and the islands of the sea.

Not a word has been added to this remarkable record for many hundreds of years yet it is the light and delight of millions of believers. It causes men to give up sin and to lead right lives. It is a joy in trouble and a consolation in sickness, and men die comforted with its words upon their lips. What other book has this life in it? It is a common fact that ordinary, or even out of the ordinary books, written by man, soon lose their freshness and life.

Third. The Endurance Test. Here is surely the worst acid test. Many books make a good showing for a while. They run up into a circulation of a few or many thousands of copies and then, written for their own times, they fall away and perish. But this Bible increases its circulation into the millions of copies and keeps increasing its constituency. It tires out its detractors and goes forward in spite of all opposition.”

Defense.—The Bible is its own best defender.”

Source: Bible Studies In Vital Questions; by Dr. Henry T. Sell, DD., author of The Sell Series of Bible Studies for Adult Classes; New York, Chicago & Toronto,1916.

Additional Commentary:

“The first and almost the only book deserving of universal attention is the Bible. The Bible is the book of all others to be read at all ages and in all conditions of human life; not to be read once or twice through and then laid aside, but to be read in small portions of one or two chapters every day, and never to be intermitted except by some overruling necessity. I speak as a man of the world to men of the world, and I say to you, “Search the Scriptures.” I have for many years made it a practice to read through the Bible once a year. . . It is an invaluable and inexhaustible mine of knowledge and virtue.”—President John Quincy Adams.

”There is no place in the world; so fascinating as a live Bible class.”—D. L. Moody.

“The more you dive into Scripture–the more you find you don’t know.”—Jeff Kinley.

Lastly: Every Scripture inspired of God is also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness: that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16)

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