The Names Of Jesus

The names and titles of our Lord Jesus Christ were chosen by God:

“They are full of meaning, rich in lessons for our instruction. The prophets, apostles, evangelists, who recorded them in the Scriptures did so under the direction of the Holy Spirit, 1 Pet. 1: 10-12; 2 Pet. 1: 21.

He who chose and commanded the names, Ishmael, Gen. xvi. 11, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, xvii. 5, 15, 19, and Israel, xxxii. 27, 28, appointed the name Jesus, Luke 1: 31. All the other names and titles given to Messiah in the Old Testament and in the New Testament have likewise the authority of God, therefore we are to receive the same with reverence, not presuming to set aside or to alter what God has been pleased to make known as His appointment, and we ought to study their meanings that we may the better know Him of whom they tell so much for our learning and profit, John xvii. 3; 2 Pet. iii. 18.

It is clear that no devout man would dare to give such names and titles without the direction of God, that they are so great, so much too great for any sinful mortal, that nothing less than the will and word of God could give them authority; they are, in fact, what God the Father (Who alone knows His Son Jesus Christ) thinks of the Messiah and desires us to think of Him, Matt. xi. 27 ; xxii. 42.

Gaither Vocal Band – There’s Something About That Name (Author; Gloria Gaither)

Consider these names and titles, how many and how various they are:

  1. Jesus
  2. Christ
  3. The Messiah
  4. Immanuel
  5. Seed of the woman
  6. Seed of Abraham
  7. Son of Abraham
  8. Shiloh
  9. Son of David
  10. Nazarene
  11. The Branch
  12. Rock
  13. Stone
  14. High Priest, ii
  15. Lamb of God, ii iii
  16. Our Passover Lamb
  17. Propitation, ii
  18. Advocate, ii
  19. Beloved Son
  20. Apostle
  21. The Good Shepherd
  22. Bishop
  23. Shepherd
  24. Forerunner
  25. Surety
  26. Mediator
  27. Last Adam
  28. Second Man
  29. Bridegroom
  30. Our Righteousness
  31. Saviour
  32. Our Hope
  33. Commander/Leader
  34. Captain of Salvation
  35. Author and Finisher of Faith
  36. Prince of Life
  37. Firstborn
  38. Beginning and the End
  39. The Alpha and the Omega
  40. Heir of All Things
  41. Brightness of God’s Glory
  42. Express image of God’s Person
  43. Wisdom of God, Power of God
  44. The Word
  45. Wonderful Counselor
  46. Mighty God
  47. Everlasting Father
  48. Light of the World
  49. Prince of Peace
  50. Amen  ¹

It is indeed marvelous that all these (and many more which are to lie gathered from Holy Writ), although widely different in meanings, suit one person. The more they are, and the more various they are, so unlike as to seem contrary one to another, the more evident it is that neither art nor chance could make them all agree in pointing to one person, i.e., to Jesus Christ and only to Him: they are like the many rays of light all meeting, but only in the one sun from which they all shine forth.

As only One, that is God, could give such names and titles, so only One, and He one with God, can take them as intended for Himself, fit and proper for Him, His own by divine right. No man, no angel could give to himself or take from a fellow creature such names and titles, much less could any other than Jesus Christ act up to them; they are like a king’s robes, crown, sceptre, orb, and jewels, which no subject, however high his rank, may presume to put on, to bear, or to make the like of for himself.

Or, to employ an illustration from Scripture, we may compare these names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ to the principal spices  and ‘sweet spices’ of which the ” holy ointment compound” and the ‘perfume’, a confection tempered together pure and holy, were made, and of which God said, “Upon man’s flesh it shall not be poured, neither shall ye make any other like it, after the composition of it: whosoever putteth any of it upon a stranger shall even be cut off from his people, and Ye shall not make to yourselves according to the composition thereof: it shall be unto thee holy for the Lord” Exod. xxx. 22-38.—Lessons On The Names And Titles Of Our Lord; Dr. Flavel S. Cook; DD., MA., 1888.